Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Journey to a Texas IronMan

Happy 2011 Everyone!!

I hope you enjoyed time with family and friends and managed to relax a bit over the holiday season. I made sure there was adequete goof off time from a strong suggestion or two from my coach (thanks Della) and caught up with the world and people in it. It felt strange to have a few days off from training yet I managed to still get a core workout from laughing with friends from the neighborhood, family, work friends and running club friends. Once again, my coach was right and the break was exactly what I needed before diving right back in to training.

Remember the pushup and sit up challenge in 2010? Well, on New Year’s Eve, I finished 365 situps and 365 pushups. The year long challenge was finished and I stuck it out. Adding one pushup and situp each day didn’t seem like much last January however that soon changed once November rolled around.

So tonight, I learned of a new challenge which should be interesting. Another great local tri group called PlayTri (they have awesome races as well) listed this on their Facebook page. It’s the sweet off 2011. Here is the deal:
1-no sweets until 5/21 (IM TX race day)
2-eat a sweet, you have to post
3-for every sweet you eat, you donate $1 to charity of the winner's choice
4-winner is who eats the least sweets (skinniest too!)
5-want to be a part of Sweet Off 2011

Why not? Since I am a huge fan of chocolate I am already breaking out in a sweat however cutting down on the sweets is something I need to do. Alot of folks may not think this is a big deal however, if you know know I like sweets! It doesn't help we have a person in our office who has an entire drawer full of chocolate. In the late afternoon on occasion, I make it a point to swing by and visit the drawer-oh-fun. So now I have to tell Tina, the keeper of the chocolate drawer that I will have to email or call her instead of walking over to her cube. How on earth will I be able to stay away from the aroma of chocolate? This could be much harder than the pushup/situp challenge.

Alas, I have begun the mourning process of no sweets until race day. Hey, at least I still can have my coffee in the morning....I guess.....

Talk to ya next week,

1 comment:

Dr Marybeth Crane said...

Does this mean I have to give u my M&M dispenser on my desk? Horror!