Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't Mess around with Ingrown Toenails!

Ouch!! An ingrown toenail hurts! Ingrown toenails hurt because the nail is curving into the skin. This causes a red, swollen, irritated and painful toe. Dont wait till the toenail is dripping pus, you dont need to live with the discomfort or pain.

Before you start performing foot surgery in your bathroom STOP. Remember that most of the time the toenail is ingrown in a place to deep for you to reach. By digging at your toenail you increase the risk of infection and cause yourself more pain.

Here are some tips to determine if your toenail is ingrown:

1. Push on your nail, does it hurt???

2. Is your toe red in color?

3. Is your toe swollen and painful

4. Do you have liquid or pustular drainage present?

Instead of digging at it, have it checked out by a podiatrist who is trained to remove the nail without pain. It may only need to be cut differently or you might need a portion of the nail removed. Even in the worst cases, most people are back to full activity after a couple of hours or at the latest the next day. You might also need an antibiotic to help get rid of the infection. If you think you have an ingrown get it checked out.

Don't mess around with ingrowns! For more information you can go to our website.

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