Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A National Day for Running!

Hi Everyone!

Hopefully your week is productive and positive! Today is a special day for many. It is National Running Day!

Each year on the first Wednesday of June, running is celebrated and all of the benefits that go along with it. Whether you run or jog, short or long distance, you know the benefits to your heart and overall health. For those who do not run and have been thinking about starting, today is your day!

People run for different reasons. For some, it is weight control or stress relief. The key to starting is making sure you step in the right direction for healthy running. As with any new goal, write down what you want to accomplish with your running regimen. The goal has to be for you, not your friend or your neighbor…just for you.

Meeting with your Doctor to make sure you are ready to start an exercise program. The next step is to meet with a Podiatrist for a complete foot exam and to discuss your individual running goal. Based on the foot exam, the Podiatrist will guide you in the best protection for your feet to reduce the chance of injury down the road. Sometimes, additional support is needed in your shoes and an orthotic may be recommended. The name of the game here is preventative care.

Once you are clear to start a running program and you learn about your foot type from your Podiatrist, the next step is purchasing the right shoe type for you. Meet with a Certified Pedorthist (your Podiatrist should have a reference for you) to know what shoes to look for as you shop at your local running store.

So once you have your shoes you can hit the road and run for a few hours right? Not! Running programs especially ones for beginners actually incorporate a lot walking. When you start a running program, mileage increases over a period of time typically no more than 10 percent per week. Safely building up mileage takes time and rightfully so. Depending on your goal, you can hire a running coach to printing out predefined running programs via the Internet. If you choose to run with an organized group, make sure your lead or coach is certified. We see many running injuries from runners who are not being trained properly. If the group you are considering does not take the time to certify all of the leads or coaches, keep looking for another program.

Stop in at your local running store and learn about running products from shoes to clothes to accessories. There is a lot out there and maybe if you are apprehensive about running for the first time, take time and learn about the sport of running….you will soon see why it is so contagious! 

Happy Running!!

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