Thursday, May 16, 2013

Passin' up on those moccasins someone else's been walkin' in?

Before you pop some tags at the local thrift shop on a pair of used shoes….think twice. While the shoes could be the perfect touch to your costume for that upcoming theme party, do reconsider the purchase.

Used shoes are just that – they are used. Typically, shoes after six months of regular wear break down internally even though the outside of the shoes look new. Athletic shoes break down even faster especially those used for high impact such as running. The point of wearing shoes is to protect and support your feet and of course, we do want our shoes to look good. Used shoes develop creases, areas of weakness and wearing of the sole. For your feet, this can greatly affect your gait and lead to foot, knee, hip and back pain.

Still think wearing used shoes for a couple of hours at the party would be fine? Well, let’s talk some bacteria and fungus. Being the shoes are used, there is a good chance the previous owner left a little gift and did not even realize it. Bacteria –love- dark places and there is no place better than the toe box of a shoe – Yummy!
Ever hear of toenail fungus? Stick your feet into a pair of used shoes and viola, you could be the proud recipient of toenail fungus or even better some itching all over the foot.

So the next time you are shopping for that theme party, use your current shoes or buy new….but leave the thrift shop shoes on the rack.

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