Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor of the Feet

Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!

For many, this weekend closes out summer and welcomes in the fall season. Sandals are soon replaced with shoes and even boots as the month moves onward. This weekend, think about your feet - they truly are the laborers of your body.  Your feet are carrying you around while walking to running to cycling to kickboxing to rock climbing you name it. Basically, while you are motion, your feet are a major player.

Here is your list to ready your feet for fall:

Get a Pedicure, preferably by a Medical Nail Technician who specializes in aseptic techniques. Do not have your nails painted then…
See your Podiatrist for a full foot exam. Bring in your shoes, socks and insert or orthotics for a review. Be prepared to discuss your concerns and take notes during your visit. Also discuss with your doctor your current shoes and show examples. This will help your doctor see wear patterns and be on the lookout for potential issues with your gait.

Refresh your shoes. After a long hot summer of wear from walking to workouts, your shoes break down. Fall is a perfect time to replace athletic shoes and invest in cooler weather shoes.
Refresh your sock drawer. Do you have socks that are worn, discolored or added holes not present when you purchased them?  

Review your current shoes in your closet. Donate used shoes. There are many shoe donation programs who can reuse or recycle shoes.
Look at your foot accessories. Time to replace your foot buffer and nail files. When is the last time you cleaned your accessories – Yikes!

How about the shower floor? Is the shower disinfected regularly?  A quick spray of disinfectant is like an apple a day….it can keep bacteria away!

Following this check list will give your hard working feet a pep in each step!

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