Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Journey to a Texas IronMan

Hi Everyone,

Last week I mentioned a fun purchase for Myles and I to run together. Well, the Roamer leash arrived and this product is pretty cool. The leash has a hook to attach to your dog's existing collar. The opposite end has three adjustments to be worn on your wrist, around your waist or attach to an existing belt such as a hydration belt. Hands free running with the pup is in full effect! A huge thumbs up for the Roamer leash (

Workouts are starting to build a bit and so far so good. Even Dr. Crane seems to be holding up well. They say the hardest part of this journey is the training so we stick to it working hard. Race day will be tough however the fog is beginning to clear and the finish line is now being visualized. Not bad considering a few months back I kept thinking what on earth have we gotten ourselves into now. It's funny how as you train physically, the psychological trainer is quietly working away strengthening you during each workout. Gotta love this sport.

During Friday's long swim, I finally had think time in which to review the week and where I could have been more effective either at home, work or workouts. In particular, I thought about an old saying that you are the the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I smiled when I remembered who told me that then realized I just took in a gulp of pool water – thanks Lori. As you train for this distance or really, any distance, I have learned you need to have a solid top five in your life to help you through the journey.

It’s true – you are the average. I think about who I interact with on a daily basis and if the five are how I want to average. As I analyzed each person, it was clear for the most part, the five are focused, determined and and living life in a positive mindset. Sure, as humans we have our ups and downs however if one of your five are perpetually down, it becomes clear you need to make a change.

Even if your top five differ in culture, education, income level, athletic ability, and so forth, there is still a common denominator shared by successful forward thinkers. Those who can look at a situation positively and search for a solution should be in your top five. Those who are negative, complain every day about everyone along with everything, and choose to respond negatively to situations do not belong. Sometimes it's tough cutting someone from your top five. No matter what, it is the right thing to do so you can pay it forward to another persons top five that you belong to. ;)

So take a look at your top five. Are they who you want to average?

Talk to ya next week,

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