Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Journey to a Texas IronMan

Hi Everyone! Felt kinda weird not blogging last week however like many things, time does pass quickly and viola – here we are back in the blog.

I trust you each had a great Thanksgiving and perhaps many of you are planning out the next month of your holiday prowess. A lot of my time last week was spent whipping out the seasonal décor, and planning out a month of whirlwind activity. Making sure social activities are confirmed and of course allowing time for work, sleep and workouts has become quite the delicate balancing act. I caught myself thinking about exactly how late will an event be to allow for enough sleep to prepare for the next morning’s workout or what do I eat ahead of the gathering in order not to indulge in the season of delightful food and beverages. It was tough planning and I bet it will be a challenge this month. Then again, I guess one could catch up on sleep in January….right?

So guess what? I started back running and no knee pain! I know, I need to cool my jets and not get too excited – one session of overdoing it and it’s back to square one. So far I am in the walk/run mode and attempting to run on on softer surfaces whenever possible. I hope the slow return and altering terrain will help cut down on the injuries. The monthly sport massage is also truly helping along with dedicated stretching.

Speaking of running, this weekend in North Texas, the Dallas White Rock Marathon will be in full effect with a half marathon and full marathon distance. Our Practice Administrator Lori is running the full 26.2 and without a doubt, she will be strong and have a great race. Good Luck Lori and to all White Rock participants. You are all superstars!

This week Celeste was back in the stationary trainer, cycling DVD’s were cleared of dust and many rotations later along with a lot of sweat, the cycling workouts were completed. I give it a few more weeks until I have the hamster in a wheel feeling, ah the joys of cold weather training.

The swim is now pretty much moved indoors as the lake water is pretty nippy. Still, the strokes are consistent and I stay relaxed even as the yardage increases. P90x along with alternating weight workouts compliment the swim. I only hope to have this relaxed, zen mode in the water on race day.

That’s about it for this week so do take a moment especially this month and have a few deep breaths. It will relax and refocus you.

Talk to ya next week,

1 comment:

Dr Marybeth Crane said...

Ready for the hampster wheel. Froze on my bike today! motivation is the race on the calendar!